My Virgin Office Friend Enjoyed My Dick Part -1

My Virgin Office Friend Enjoyed My Dick Part -1

Hello Guys I am Sofia Khan, I am here to tell you sex story that’s name “My Virgin Office Friend Enjoyed My Dick“. I am sure you all will love it. If you want to read more stories like that so you can visit “

A hot married girl was with me in my office. I became friends with him. We started going together to drink tea and eat food. Things started getting open.

Friends, in this lock down, all of us were imprisoned in our homes.
During this, in my spare time, I thought why not share an incident that happened with you in the form of a sex story.

All my friends affectionately call me Mohit. I am 23 years old and height is five and a half feet.

You won’t believe it but I didn’t have sex till my age of 23. It was as if an Old Virgin’s book was written on me.

I live in Delhi and am a software engineer.
I changed many companies during my stay in Delhi.

I had a colleague in one of these companies, the name of that hot married girl was Preeti Singhal. This name has been changed.
She was married but did not live with her husband.
I never had any bad thoughts about him.

Even after leaving that company, both of us kept in touch with each other.
Similarly, sometimes he used to message etc. or talk on the phone.
Sometimes on weekends we used to meet outside to have tea.

Preeti Singhal was the owner of a very beautiful and sensual figure.
He was about thirty years old. The size of her nipples was 36 inches, she was always desperate to get her nipples out of her T-shirt.

His waist must have been about 30 inches and his ass was about thirty-eight in size.

When she walked, her ass and nipples used to make her drunk.
However, whenever I met him, I would never let my emotions come out.
But who should explain to my little master?

Oh yes, I forgot to tell the readers about my little master.
He just woke up while writing his figure!
Yes, my little master means that the length of my cock is 7 inches and when measured by rotating the inch tape on the cock, the thickness of 5 inches was revealed.

At this time my cock is saying hello to all of you readers in a full mood.

This is from the middle of the year 2021, when the lockdown was loosened a bit.

Me and Preeti Singhal met near his house for tea in the evening.
We drank tea.

While drinking tea, he said – now it is evening. In a while it will be time to eat, so let’s go to a good place to eat food?

It was a weekend, so I also said- yes okay, let’s go.
I had a scooty with me, so I asked him to bring another helmet.

Her room is nearby… she quickly brought her helmet.

When she brought the helmet, she had also changed her dress.
Now this time she was looking amazing in black T-shirt and blue jeans.

I started the scooter.
She sat on my scooty but she was sitting a little away from me.
I didn’t say anything to him either.

But you all know the traffic of Delhi. I had to apply brakes again and again. During this she had come a long way and her nipples started falling on my back.
This was the first feeling for me, when I was feeling someone’s nipples in my back.

Right now with this joy we reached the hotel and both of us ate dosa, chaat and ice cream.

For a while we kept walking like this.
He said- Come on man, leave me at my house, now it is getting late. It is also time for curfew.
At that time, curfew was imposed after 8 o’clock in the night.

Then I put him on my scooty and dropped him back at his room.

This time I deliberately hit the brakes and she slipped back to me again.
I began to massage her breasts with my back.

Well… that night I had come to my room, but my little master was not getting rest.

As soon as I pacified the cock and got ready to sleep.
Soon his message came – have you reached the room?

I did not hurry to reply to his message.
After a while I replied – yes.

Now I kept checking but it did not come online.
I thought she might have fallen asleep.

I also saw some porn sites and fell asleep with fists.

The next whole day thinking about the boobs of that hot married girl, I thought in the evening that I should message Preeti Singhal and ask her for tea.
Then it seemed that it should not become too much impatience.

I did not do anything.
But his message came beyond my expectation.
She was calling me for evening tea.

Me and my little master had come to the seventh heaven.

I immediately got ready and ran my scooty at full speed to reach him.

But where was the traffic supposed to be?
Then after 20 minutes I reached him.

Today she wore a white top which was transparent.
She wore a pink colored bra inside her top which was easily visible.

Seeing him, my condition was getting worse.
I dared to tell him- You are looking beautiful.
In response, she just laughed.

We sat down to have tea and started talking here and there.
He said in talks – Man, I also want to learn Scooty. I am finding it necessary to scooty to come to the office.
I also approved his point.

He asked- Will you give me your scooty to learn?
I shook my head in joy.

I told him – every morning we will learn scooty.
She became happy.

I told him – you wear jeans only while learning scooty.
She did not understand anything, so I told her – my height is short, so I will not be able to sit far away from you and she will find you a little uncomfortable.

He did not say anything on this and, saying that the morning would come, he finished his cooled tea in one breath.

After finishing the tea, I also said – Have dinner today?

he refuses.

Then I left him at his room and came back to my room and started thinking whether he did not mind that thing of mine?
Will she refuse to sit on the scooty with me?
I fell asleep thinking of all these confusions

The next morning I got up at five o’clock, after getting refreshed, I messaged Preeti Singhal – I am on the way.
He immediately said yes – I am also ready.

By the time I reached her room, she had come downstairs.

Friends, he was wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and was wearing a lower.
Now I started thinking that today I will not be able to sit behind him.

Thinking this, I started telling him about Scooty and gave him the key.
She started the scooty and tried to run but she could not maintain the balance and she stopped the scooty.

He called me and said that you sit together and give support.

Hearing this, my cock and I jumped in joy.
I immediately sat on the scooty behind him.

First I tried not to touch it.
But then after a while I was sitting on her back and she was driving the scooty.

My cock was getting desperate to come out tearing my jeans. My cock was constantly touching his ass and seeing Preeti Singhal, it seemed as if it had made no difference to him.

My cock was not taking the name of sitting again and again due to my cock in his cool ass.

In the meantime, sometimes I would take my hand forward from his side to correct the handle and sometimes to tell the horn and the indicator and my hand would collide with his nipples.
I realized that she was not wearing a bra.

Now my control limit was running out.

I taught him to drive like this for half an hour.
Later, coming near his room, I told him – I have to go to the bathroom, it is very fast.
On this she started laughing and said – okay… use my washroom.

I parked the scooty in his apartment and we both walked towards his room.
His room was on the fourth floor with a very corner.

I quickly went to his washroom and freed my cock.
It was as if it was on the verge of bursting.

I tried to do a number but to no avail.
The cock was stiff, so I thought it was right to fist.
I started chugging remembering Preeti Singhal’s mummies.

It had been almost twenty minutes since I was pounding, which I did not realize.
Preeti Singhal knocked on the bathroom door and asked- Is everything fine inside?

Hearing his voice, my cock was released from my hand, which was just about to take out the goods.
Because of this some of my semen fell on my jeans.

I quickly flushed the commode and turned to the basin to wash my hands.

I saw that her bra and panties of different colors were hanging in the bathroom in front.
My cock came on its boom again.

I cleaned my jeans but they got soaked in water and there was a spot on it.

I just got out.

After that Preeti Singhal went to the washroom and came back after a while.
Preeti Singhal was smiling looking at me and I was completely embarrassed.

When I tried to say something, he said – it happens man!
Perhaps my goods had fallen here and there while chugging along and Preeti Singhal had seen it.

Then he made tea in his room and we both drank tea together.

I asked her – why don’t you live with your husband?
She told- Man my husband is in London. There he has gone to study his MS, so he could not go along.

He also asked me – why haven’t you married yet?
I told him- man, first I should start earning something right.

He said – this cannot be the reason, there is some other matter… Tell me right?
I told him – you will not make fun of listening?
She laughed.

I said that I am not able to talk to girls, due to which my friendship with girls is rarely possible. I was able to speak with you because of office work and became friends.
On this matter of mine, she said rounding her lips with great respect – Oh, how innocent.

Then he got a little serious and asked – if the marriage is over, have you not done all that with any girl yet?
I looked at her, she said – nowadays boys start thinking of fucking as soon as they are born.

Hearing the words Chodna from his mouth, my senses were blown away.
I looked at him with astonished eyes.

Friends, I want to write you in great detail and detail the intimate moments spent with my friend Preeti Singhal.
Have some patience.

On a site with a cool sex story like the rest, you will definitely find a sex story one by one.

How do you like the story of Hot Married Girl, please mail me.

Next part of story: My Virgin Office Friend Enjoyed My Dick Part-2

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