Satisfied Sexy Bhabhi By Sucking Her boobs: XXX Bhabhi Boobs

Satisfied Sexy Bhabhi By Sucking Her boobs: XXX Bhabhi Boobs

Hello Guys, I am Sofia Khan, I am back again here to tell you a sex story that’s named “Satisfied Sexy Bhabhi By Sucking Her boobs: XXX Bhabhi Boobs“. I am sure you all will love it.

XXX Bhabhi Boobs The story is about erotic activities with my Bhabhi. When my Bhabhi had her first baby, I was with her. I saw Bhabhi naked. After that, I drank Bhabhi’s milk.

Friends, I Jatin welcome all of you to my story.
Hope you all will like this story and it will make your dicks and pussies drool.

XXX Bhabhi Boobs Before starting the story, let me tell you a little about myself, I am 23 years old.
I am an attractive boy and my penis size is 6.7 inches.

This happened about a year ago.
I was living and studying outside the village in the city. 

Then I got a call from home saying come home quickly, your Bhabhi is going to have a baby. Here let me tell you that mother, father, brother, Bhabhi and I live in my house. (XXX Bhabhi Boobs)

Brother works in Mumbai, so he used to live away from home in Mumbai.
Due to a heavy workload and lack of leave, my brother could not come to get the delivery.

First of all, let me introduce you all to my Harshita Bhabhi, the heroine of this story. Harshita Bhabhi’s age at that time would have been 24.

Harshita Bhabhi is the number one Patola. She has a fair body and a great figure. There is no fat at all on his body. Thin waist, prominent Big Ass and nice soft boobs. Bhabhi looks like complete poison.

Bhabhi has such a wonderful figure that one can shake the faith of even the best after seeing her.

At that time, Bhabhi was about to have a baby and there was no brother at home to take her to the hospital.
When I got the call from home, I left for home and reached home by evening.

Since Bhabhi’s delivery date was in a few days and she had started having some pain.
As soon as I reached home, I arranged for a four-wheeler so that if I had to go at night, there would be no problem. (XXX Bhabhi Boobs)

At home, mother was in Bhabhi’s room and Bhabhi was lying on her bed.
I had dinner and after talking to my Bhabhi at night, I came to my room and slept.

It happened exactly as I thought.
Bhabhi’s pain increased at night, so I took Bhabhi and mother in the car and set out towards the city hospital.

On the way, I was feeling bad because of the painful screams of my Bhabhi and because my Bhabhi’s saree was up, I was also feeling good seeing her bare smooth thighs.

Well… soon we reached the hospital.

Bhabhi gave birth to a lovely baby, which made us very happy.
But the doctor said that due to some problem, the Bhabhi would have to stay in the hospital for a few days. (XXX Bhabhi Boobs)

Then the next morning I left my mother in the village because there too there was work and cooking etc.

I told my mother that I would stay with my Bhabhi in the hospital.
Then I went inside the hospital room and met Harshita Bhabhi, she was looking amazing with messy hair.

Bhabhi was very happy.

I stayed with my Bhabhi the whole day.
We talked a lot and laughed and joked.

Meanwhile, Bhabhi told me that she was still having a lot of pain below.

When Doctor Sahiba came in the evening, she told me that Bhabhi was bleeding from her pussy, so a small operation would have to be done.

I was scared after hearing about the operation and asked him whether it would not be cured with medicine. (XXX Bhabhi Boobs)

Doctor Sahiba got a little irritated at this and perhaps she was considering me as Bhabhi’s husband, so she brought me to Bhabhi.

I placed the bedsheet over my Bhabhi’s legs in one go. Due to this Bhabhi became naked from below in front of me. Bhabhi’s big red pussy came in front of my eyes.

After seeing the scene, I lost my senses and I just kept looking at Bhabhi’s pussy.
Due to this, Bhabhi also woke up and she also got scared after seeing herself naked in front of me.

He asked- What happened?
So the doctor said that I was explaining to your husband that a small operation would have to be done to stop the patient’s bleeding.

Hearing this, Bhabhi also calmed down a bit and when she saw me, I was staring at her pussy.

Then I told Doctor Sahiba to do whatever you feel is right.
Doctorni left.

Here Bhabhi got up and was trying to lower her sheet so that her pussy could be hidden.
Seeing this, I myself went ahead and covered my Bhabhi’s pussy.

Now Bhabhi was not able to make eye contact with me.
So I said – No problem, Bhabhi, don’t be shy, I am your brother-in-law… and anyway, brother-in-law is also half the husband. Hearing this, Bhabhi also started laughing.

Ever since I saw Bhabhi’s pussy, Bhabhi’s pussy was wandering in my mind and my penis was also erect.
I felt like fucking my Bhabhi right away, but it was not possible right now.

The night passed like this. (XXX Bhabhi Boobs)
When I brought food from outside, Bhabhi was inside feeding the baby with her bare boobs.

Seeing Bhabhi’s milky, soft boobs, my son stood up and began to moan even more.
This time Bhabhi also did not feel shy at all and kept feeding the baby in front of me.

After that, I came near Bhabhi’s bed and fed her with my own hands.
While feeding Bhabhi, whenever her sweet red lips touched her, it felt like an electric current ran inside me.

In this way, we stayed there for a whole week
and in the meantime, I took great care of my Bhabhi, due to which she was very happy.

Not only had she opened up well to me, but I had also started seeing love for myself in her eyes.

Now both of us had come to my city room.

Bhabhi was asked to rest for a few days so that in case of any problem, she could be brought to the hospital quickly.

Now my whole day would pass like this, and at night only me and my Bhabhi would be left in the house.

One day, after roaming out all day, when I reached home to meet my Bhabhi, she lovingly said angrily – Where were brother-in-laws the whole day… You don’t even care about your Bhabhi…

Do you know how much I miss you? Where were you since morning?’
I also said – Okay sir, we were being remembered.

Just saying this, I sat on the bed next to Bhabhi and started caressing her head lovingly.
I said- I care about you a lot, my dear Bhabhi.

Then my eyes were fixed on the beautiful, soft boobs covered in Bhabhi’s blouse. At this time, the pallu of Bhabhi’s saree had fallen down, so Bhabhi’s bare stomach and boobs captured in the blouse were visible in front of me.

Bhabhi also saw me staring at her Big Boobs and said – What are you looking at, brother-in-law?

I said- Did Bhabhi get shy after seeing just this much, now don’t be shy friend… I have seen a lot of you.
I said this while pointing towards Bhabhi’s pussy.

Bhabhi: You crazy person… tell me, what were you looking at?
I said to my Bhabhi – Dear Bhabhi, your blouse has become a little wet, that’s what I was seeing.

Bhabhi told – Yes friend, that baby has not drunk much of my milk, so all the milk has filled my chest and I am also feeling pain, hence because of that the blouse has also become wet.
Bhabhi told me all this openly as if I was her husband.

I also took a step forward and said – Bhabhi, just this simple thing… bring it, I will cure your pain.

Saying this, I placed my hand on my Bhabhi’s nice and soft boobs.
Bhabhi was a little shocked by suddenly placing her hand like this and said softly – What are you doing?

I also said – Bhabhi, why should you feel shy with me now…and anyway, I cannot see your pain.
Saying this, I gently pressed Bhabhi’s soft boobs, due to which a slight moan came out of Bhabhi’s mouth and she could only say ‘Ah, brother-in-law..’.

Then she also started enjoying silently.
Now I was slowly pressing Bhabhi’s boobs with both my hands due to which more milk started leaking from Bhabhi’s boobs.

Looking at the milk I said – Bhabhi, you are not going to get any rest like this. The milk from your boobs will have to be emptied.

Saying this, I started opening the hooks of Bhabhi’s blouse.
This time Harshita Bhabhi also did not say anything, she just started looking lovingly into my eyes.

Now I had taken off the blouse of the cool Bhabhi.
Bhabhi was already naked in front of me.
What can I say, friends… Bhabhi’s amazing boobs were amazing.

On top of that, her boobs were tight and taut because they were filled with milk.
When I started pressing Bhabhi’s naked boobs, milk flowed out from Bhabhi’s boobs, which I took in my palms and licked.

What a sweet taste of Bhabhi’s milk!
Now my penis was fully erect and I could no longer control it, so I placed my mouth on the nipple of my beloved Bhabhi’s boob.

I started drinking her milk while pressing and sucking her boobs.
In between, he would also bite Bhabhi’s nipple a little, due to which Bhabhi would make an intoxicating sound of ‘Ahh… Ouch…’.

Due to me drinking milk in this way, Bhabhi’s Tight Pussy also became hot and she was constantly rubbing both her legs together.

Within a short time, Bhabhi suddenly started stiffening and orgasmed with an ‘ah…’.

I also drank all the milk of Bhabhi and emptied both her boobs.

I asked- Did you get any rest, Bhabhi?
So she said- Yes, now the pain is over.

While playing with Bhabhi’s boobs, I slept right there with her.
That night Bhabhi accepted me as her second husband.

Now, after just one month’s rest, it was decided that I would get the pleasure of fucking my Bhabhi.

Friends, this was my XXX Bhabhi Boobs story. I hope you all liked the story.

If your penis or pussy gets ignited after reading this, please let me know by emailing me.

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