Love Making With my Cousin | Brother Sister Sex Story

Love Making With my Cousin | Brother Sister Sex Story

Hello Guys I am Sofia Khan, I am back again here to tell you a sex story that’s named “Love Making With my Cousin | Brother Sister Sex Story“. I am sure you all will love it.

This story is from some time ago. At that time I was 23 years old. Those who are regular readers of my sex story must know about me. But even if some of you are reading my story for the first time, then let me introduce myself once again to you.

My name is Ridhimajain. Although I am from the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh but had come to Delhi to study… So now I have become a Delhiite. I am very beautiful and attractive in appearance. My face is also very cute, it is innocent like children.

Hair is blooming and the body is also good, the complexion is also fair and the figure is also 34-25-36. Rest all of you must have created my image in your thoughts by now, so you can play with my body in your dreams as you wish.

My family and I had gone to a relative’s place in the village for a family function. Since the function was big, many relatives gathered. This function was going to last for many days. I was going to a family function after many years, so I had forgotten all the relatives a little, but I remembered some.

There was a good arrangement for the stay of all the relatives. The good thing was that all the big people were given rooms in separate houses to stay in. And those who were younger were given a place in a separate house so that everyone could enjoy the time to the fullest.

Where I stayed, the children and nephews of all my relatives were staying there. One of them was Kapil. He was my aunt’s son. He had also come to live in this building from his home whereas his house was in this village. I knew Kapil from childhood. He was about 19 years old at the time when I had physical relations with him.

When I was young, I used to go to his house during summer vacations. In those days, both of us used to have a lot of fun. Then as we all grew up, the coming and going and talking had reduced a lot. Because I was a few years older than him, he used to call me Didi.

In the beginning, both of us could not talk much, but then slowly we kept on getting mixed. One day in the afternoon everyone was chatting with each other after eating and drinking. Slowly I understood that Kapil used to keep looking at me sometimes and when I looked back at him, he used to look here and there.

Initially, I didn’t think anything like that, but slowly I understood that Launda has become a new young man… So maybe he will be attracted in the same way. That’s why I didn’t pay much attention. Slowly we all started mixing together. Sometimes if by mistake any part of my body touched Kapil, he used to get uncomfortable.

Once we both were talking a little separately, so I unknowingly held his hand. Then he just stammered and started speaking. I thought maybe he must have been shy or would not have mingled much with girls. I jokingly asked him such things – do you have a girlfriend? Hearing this, he was completely shy and said – Didi, you too, there is no such thing.

I said jokingly – Hey, no problem, come to Delhi sometime. I will definitely make you a girlfriend. He got shy. Then I asked – what kind of girl do you like? He said shyly – just like you. I smiled a little and slapped her with love and said – what did you say? Kapil hesitated a bit and said – Hey, I mean of nature like yours.

I jokingly said – it is difficult to meet someone like me, let’s make me myself. Just turn where I say, and feed something nice. He said – Ok sister. I further said – and yes, girlfriends are not called Didi in Delhi. He laughed.

Then we just talked here and there and went to our respective rooms. Slowly I also understood that he keeps looking at different parts of my body after getting the opportunity. One day when he was sitting far away, I saw that he was caressing his cock with light hands while looking at the phone. I understood but thought let’s scare her.

I went to him from behind and scared him by saying ‘huh…’. In the panic, the phone fell from his hand onto the floor. When I looked down at the phone, my photo was open on it and Kapil’s cock was standing there. Now it didn’t take me long to understand what he was doing.

I said – what were they doing? Kapil said in a huffing- Didi that I… I… Wow, that is nothing. I said in a little anger – what is all this… I am not so stupid that I cannot understand what you were doing.

At first, I got angry but then after some time I thought that it is okay Ridhimajain, the boy has become a new young man, he must have gone astray after seeing his beautiful body. Anyway, you are so beautiful, so what difference does it make? Why are you making a fuss about it?

Just like that, I slapped a little and said – improve son, concentrate on your studies… Don’t get involved in all this. I just left there smiling. Kapil’s wishes got wind due to my not having any harsh reaction. Now he started taking my photo every now and then. I too did not protest much; On the contrary, I used to tease her, sometimes winking, sometimes wringing my hands.

I thought that this time some action is going to happen here. Friends, I have felt this… that sometimes it happens with all of us that whatever is going to happen, we feel it in advance. I also decided that whatever happens will be seen.

Now I have also started calling Kapil for every small work. Sometimes we would go to the market, sometimes in the fields, sometimes we would go for a walk like this. While going on the bike, Kapil used to deliberately apply the brakes of the bike so that my boobs would rub against his waist. Sometimes I deliberately used to tease them in such a way that his pants would move. Initially, I was doing all this just to tease him, but gradually I started enjoying it.

Some of you readers may find all this wrong, but it must have happened with some of you that you must have fallen in love with someone in your own relationship… or at least you must have started feeling good. Well… leave all that and just enjoy the story.

Gradually we became closer and closer, but the family members and other people were unaware of this. One night everyone was getting ready to sleep but I could not sleep. So to pass the time, I put a movie on my laptop and started watching the movie with earphones.

One by one most of the people fell asleep. Then in a short while Kapil came to me on his knees and said – Didi, show me the film too! I feel sleepy. I said – ok come on. And he came in my bed sheet. I put one earphone in his ear and one in my ear. Now we have both started watching the film.

In the middle of the film, my and her feet were being touched, but I was unaware of this because I was more focused on the film. However, Kapil was getting mildly aroused by the touch of my smooth feet. But still, he was busy watching the film.

After some time Kapil said – Sister, can I hold your hand. I was so busy with the film that I gave my hand to him without asking anything. We both held each other’s hand and put it inside the sheet. Then suddenly a kissing scene came in the film and immediately after that the sex scene too, so both of us got jammed.

My body went berserk and Kapil also sat down properly after being a bit uncomfortable. For some moments both of us kept watching the scene as a fetish. Then I stopped the film and said – I come after drinking water. I got out of there on my knees while going over to him and went to drink water in the kitchen.

Kapil also followed me. The scene of the film was still playing in my mind and I could not understand anything. Kapil also came near me and started drinking water. And as soon as he finished drinking water, I don’t know what kind of passion came over me, I immediately wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hard on the lips. After which she stood in this position for a few moments. He was also going to kiss me.

Perhaps both of us were not thinking anything at that time, just kissing each other’s lips in the fire of youth, and our eyes were closed. Within a few moments, I realized what I was doing and immediately moved away. After this, I said sorry to him and looked down, feeling embarrassed, came out of there and came in my bed sheet.

Kapil also came after some time. I stopped watching the movie now and switched off the laptop and tried to sleep with my face on the sheet. I was quite confused, feeling ashamed and thinking what have I done? How can I kiss Kapil? He is my aunt’s son, in a way my brother. this is wrong.

Then the very next moment she was thinking what is the matter of right and wrong. Few have seen anyone… and why didn’t he stop me. After this incident, luck started giving us both the opportunity to meet alone on different occasions. Sometimes both of us had to go to the market together, and sometimes somewhere else.

Both of us did not talk about that night and everything was going on as normal. But now I had started having some dirty thoughts about him and maybe he would be having them too.
I also started liking him in that way and I him!

It went on like this for two days. Then one day Kapil’s father told him – go, son, go to the field, if the light has come on, then run the tube well for 2-3 hours. Then when the field is full, close it and come back. I was also getting bored at home, so I said – should I go too, it is feeling a bit strange here.

Uncle said – yes yes why not, go for a walk in the fields, you children of the city rarely get the fresh air of the village. I laughed. Then uncle said to Kapil – Go son, take Ridhimajain for a tour in the field too. Kapil started the bike and seeing me gave a devilish smile. I also slapped him lightly on the head and sat behind him.

Friends, how I fucked with my brother for the first time in the field… I will write all this in the next part of my sex story. If you want to read more stories like that so you can visit “

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