Amazing Sex With My Horny Niece | English Sex Story Part-2

Amazing Sex With My Horny Niece | English Sex Story Part-2

Hello Guys I am Sofia Khan, I am back again here to tell you a sex story that’s named “Amazing Sex With My Horny Niece | English Sex Story Part-2“. I am sure you all will love it.

Amazing Sex With My Horny Niece Till now you have read that my niece Rachita started playing with my cock thinking I was sleeping. Now forward:

Now perhaps Rachita was beginning to believe that I was really asleep. She got up slowly and sat down. Then she pinched my knickers with elastic and lifted them up and started bending down to see my cock. My drama of deep sleep encouraged her and she slipped her knickers down a little.

Now my cock was peeping out half pressed in the elastic of knickers. Rachita first looked at my hard thick cock with tearful eyes, then with one finger pressed the skin of my cock down from the betel nut, due to which my pink betel nut immediately came out.. because it was lubricated by the precum.

Rachita got a little bit of precum on her finger, which at first she saw with great hatred. Then thinking something licked that finger. Maybe she liked the taste, so she leaned on my cock. Then he looked at my face and slowly took out his tongue and licked the frozen precum in the ridge of betel nut.

In this way, she played with half of my cock for some time and then put my shorts up and lay down. I got very angry. Well, I explained myself and fell asleep. In the night I again lost my sleep. This time I saw Rachita, she was very innocently immersed in a deep sleep. When I sat up, Rachita had one leg bent, I sat just below her feet and I lifted her silky knickers slightly from her thighs.

Ah, what should I tell, a young lady with soft golden hair looked at me with a smile. Now I have lost control over myself. I slowly opened the hook of Rachita’s shorts. Then loosened it and slowly started sliding down. Rachita’s eyes opened as soon as her shorts slipped from under her beautiful buttocks.

I got scared for once. Rachita saw me as soon as she opened her eyes, then her eyes went to her naked pussy. She got flustered and said – Chachu what the feck… what are you doing?
I immediately replied – the same as you were doing. Taking revenge and what. She said – Uncle, this is wrong, how can you do this, friend?

Me- Well you were doing it, so it was right. I did it wrong, very good. Hearing this, she became silent and then said – Sorry uncle, I made a mistake, it will not happen now. I said – I will forgive you on one condition. He asked – what? So I said that at least finish what you started.

He asked – what does it mean? I said look son you have provoked me and now I am unable to bear it because you have woken up my little one. Saying this I pointed towards my cock. On this she started laughing and said – Your little one has not grown up a bit? I said – yes it has grown a bit but now you have to make it smaller.

She said – Ok, tell me what will save a life? I said – just… start again from there… where I had left. She said – ok but you also come in the same position. Lie down with your eyes closed. I quickly lay down and closed my eyes. Rachita got up again and sat down and grabbed my cock by pulling down my shorts.

Oh, my Bhujang started hissing as soon as he got the touch of her soft hands. Rachita again started to stop opening my cock. Now he had started groping my ponies with one hand. Perhaps he too was liking this new toy now. Then she slowly kissed my cock.

I closed my eyes and said – Rachita, let me tell you one thing. She said – yes tell uncle. I said that if you apply that liquid to your lips, they will become soft and pink. He said – Dhatt.. Chachu, I have lip glass. I said – hey, I am telling the truth, you should try it. When I asked several times, he took the paste from his finger and applied it to his lips, and then licked his finger.

Then she bent down and for the first time sucked my cock tightly like half a lollipop from a betel nut. This action of hers opened my eyes, then she started laughing and said- Uncle, you have never given this lollipop to eat before. I smiled, then I said that you will get tired of doing Rachita sitting like this.

Do one thing, sit on my chest, and then eat your lollipop. She quickly said – Chachu, are you asking me to come in 69th position? At first, I was shocked, then when I looked at her, she smiled and said – Hey friend uncle, I have seen one or two movies like that. I said – yes come in the same position.

She said that I will not take off my shorts. Then she got up and sat down putting her ass on my chest and started sucking my cock. Here I started caressing her pussy from the top of the shorts. Rachita started rubbing her ass in no time.

I said slowly – Rachita, take off these shorts… don’t you trust me? He lowered the shorts without saying anything. Now there was a round smooth pink ass in front of my eyes and a closed-lipped Munia peeping out from under it.

I licked Rachita’s mouth till her ass with my tongue once, then Rachita immediately jumped up and said- Ah Chachu, what are you doing… this is cheating. I said – there is a limit, friend. I was just giving you fun. No problem, if you don’t like it, I won’t. She said – When did I say that I did not like it? I was saying that at least tell before giving.

I understood that the arrow hit the target. I continued licking her pussy. Now she got excited and started pressing her pussy into my mouth. On the other hand, she took almost half of my cock in her mouth and started taking it inside and out.

The spit flowing from her mouth was drenching my cock, but she was massaging my cock with both hands taking the same spit. She was giving me blowjobs like an expert prostitute. Now my speed had also increased and my pussy was shining smooth with juice.

That’s why I turned Rachita after seeing the opportunity and now I came up and Rachita came down with cock in her mouth. Now I left my shame and turned around towards Rachita’s face. She was looking at me questioningly with her big eyes. I pressed my lips to hers and slowly started rubbing my cock on her completely wet pussy.

I lifted her T-shirt up and filled her beautiful pigeon’s beak in my mouth. She started sobbing and muttering- oh uncle don’t… this is wrong sis ah uncle please stop. But where was I going to stop, I said – Rachita my dear, today I will give you the biggest pleasure of this life.

But first, there will be some pain. are you ready He looked into my eyes and said – Chachu, you are my good uncle, so why would you give me pain? I said – child, this is a natural process, first pain then biggest fun. He said – ok, but do it comfortably.

I spit on the top of the cock and put it on Rachita’s pussy. I pressed Rachita’s lips to mine and gave a jerk. She flirted, but I gave her a second blow while holding her down. Now I just kept lying on her quietly. When she calmed down a bit, I started moving my cock back and forth little by little. Rachita was still swearing. She was pleading with her eyes to leave me.

Now I started putting the cock inside by pulling it out a little more. After doing this for about 3-4 minutes, now Rachita was also shaking and was trying to match her rhythm with mine. When I left her lips, she suddenly said- Ummh… ahh… hi… yah… uncle, you have killed me. you are very dirty I said – in just 5 minutes you will speak the opposite.

Now I increased my speed and the sound of chap chap ghap ghap ghap started echoing in the room. Rachita was also supported from below by shaking her ass loudly and was continuously making sounds like hmmm aah sss siss mmm yeah. Then she caught me and herself came up. Now she was jumping on my cock with full force.

My cock was probably peeled from her tight pussy and it was hurting, but the fun was so much that the pain was forgotten. Her moving beautiful boobs were giving a dream-like feeling. I said – Rachita, I am about to fall. She stopped at once and said – what is the meaning of falling? Uncle, are you feeling susu?

I said- No idiot… My semen is about to fall. She said – Don’t stop now… I am getting very strange tickling. Feeling inside, as if something will come out from inside. I said – the same is with me too. So she said – then why are you stopping? I said – if you become pregnant. She said – I will take some medicine, you just don’t stop.

She started bouncing her ass again. After about 15-20 shocks, Rachita clung to my chest, saying aaah ooo Ooo ooo ooo. My Nagraj also filled her pussy with white color with water cannons. Never had so much semen come out in my life. Then my semen kept coming out intermittently for 15-20 seconds.

I removed Rachita from me and when I looked at her pussy with a tissue, she was still spewing my semen after blooming. Then we both left with sticks in the same way. In the morning when sister-in-law asked why are you lame Rachita? So he made an excuse that he had sprained his leg last night.

Now, whenever I go to my brother’s house in Delhi. So I enjoy sex with my niece Rachita. If you want to read more stories like that so you can visit “

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