I Tore Seal Pack Pussy of My Cousin Sali: XXX Sali Sex Story

I Tore Seal Pack Pussy of My Cousin Sali: XXX Sali Sex Story

Hello Guys, I am Sofia Khan, I am back again here to tell you a sex story that’s named “I Tore Seal Pack Pussy of My Cousin Sali: XXX Sali Sex Story“. I am sure you all will love it.

Hello friends, my name is Ritvik. I am 25 years old. I am a resident of Ahmedabad. Today I thought that I should also write my XXX Sali Sex Story.

I don’t have any Sali of my own, but my aunt and mother-in-law have daughters who are my Sali’s, both of them are wonderful.

My elder Sali lives with her elder father and the younger one lives with her mom and dad. My Sali’s size is 26-28-30. I used to call my Sali my wife. She also used to talk to me chirpingly.

This incident happened in those days when it was my aunt’s 25th anniversary and she had called me to help in the decoration of the house. Although the function was through a hall.

She was having fun while decorating the house, in the same fun I touched her boobs twice and she felt shy.

Then everyone started getting ready and came out to go to the hall. My wife and my two sisters-in-law came to ride on my bike, so I made my younger Sali sit behind me so that I could enjoy her boobs. Started the bike and we all set off. (XXX Sali Sex Story)

While walking, I was deliberately pressing her boobs with my back and driving the car through the pothole, due to which she was moving back and forth and I was enjoying the softness of her intoxicating boobs.

Then we reached the hall. Her father said something to my Sali and she became sad. After that Sali and I went to get the cake, and after getting the cake, when we reached the hall, it was still time for the program to start. She said- Come on, let’s keep the cake at home. I went with her.

After going home, I kept the cake in the fridge and looking at her sad face I said to her – What happened.. this keeps on happening, don’t feel bad.

I hugged her and she agreed. Then I held her face with both my hands and kissed her delicate lips. When she had no objection, I started kissing her cheek and neck.

She felt shy and went inside. I understood that she also liked it. I went behind her and held her and started kissing her on her neck. She started trying to free herself from me and moved away.

Then I pulled her and pinned her to the wall and started kissing her again and pressing her boobs. She kept struggling to get free from me and started saying – Please jiji, no, don’t do it.

Now where was I going to agree, I wanted to fuck my Sali but due to lack of time I left it and we went back to the hall. That day my Sali stayed with me the whole day like my wife. Then as soon as the function was over, we came back. (XXX Sali Sex Story)

Then one day my aunt had to go somewhere out to the village, and my wife also went with her. My uncle had gone to the shop, so I took the opportunity and came home and made a plan to fuck her.

As soon as I reached there, she said – Hey Jija, how did you come here?
So I said – Nothing.. I was passing by here, and thought of meeting everyone.. but no one was visible.

Where are all the guys?
She said- Mom has gone out and Dad has gone to the shop, you come inside..!

Then we started talking and then my Sali asked – Jija, would you like cold tea?
So I said jokingly – Today I have to drink your milk.

She felt shy and went to the kitchen. I also followed her into the kitchen and held her from behind.

Now I started kissing her neck. She didn’t say anything at first, so my courage increased and I started caressing her boobs. (XXX Sali Sex Story)

Now she pushed me away and said – No Jija, please, this is wrong.
I said- Loving is not wrong or bad.

She did not say anything and I started kissing her on the neck and pressing her Big Boobs. Now she too was getting a little hot.

Then suddenly she said again – No,  Jija, don’t do it.
but now I was not going to agree. I said- Don’t you love me?

So she said- It is not like that.
I said- You love me but you don’t let me do it.

She felt shy again and clinging to me she asked again – What would you like to drink?
I said- Same thing as I had said earlier. I want to drink your milk.
She said flauntingly – How will milk come out of it now?

I said – Leave that to me. (XXX Sali Sex Story)
But she refused, so I tried to convince her and said – Okay, I am leaving, you don’t love me, bye.

Saying this, when I started leaving, she held my hand and said – Please don’t go.. but this is wrong.
I didn’t agree so finally she said ‘yes’.

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While she was agreeing, I saw a strange redness on her face. At the same time, I held her mouth and started kissing her lips and sucking her lips. Now she also started supporting me.

Then I started removing her top and she said – No.
So I said – Then how will I drink milk?

She said- Just do it by raising it higher.
I said- Okay, okay.

I lifted her top and opened the hook of her bra and moved the bra aside and started looking at her beautiful boobs. She asked- What are you looking at?
So I said- Your boobs are so pink.

She felt shy. As I placed my hand on her boobs, she closed her eyes. After that, I started sucking her lips and sucked for ten minutes.

Now my Sali said- Will you suck only your lips or will you drink milk also?
So I said- What’s the matter.. are you getting too impatient? (XXX Sali Sex Story)

She lowered her eyes. Then I sat on the sofa. I made my Sali sit on my lap facing me and took one of her boobs in my mouth. As soon as I moved my tongue on her nipples, she screamed – Seeee… and held my head.

I started sucking her boobs and she started moaning ‘Aaahh.. siii.. ooohhh.. just jiju please something is happening. I pressed her nipples hard.. then she jumped.

She was gradually getting hot. At that very moment, I removed her top, she didn’t even know.

Now I started kissing her stomach and slowly opened the collar of her salwar. Immediately after this, I put my hand inside the salwar and touched her pussy over the panty, and she suddenly moved.

She started sobbing and saying – No,  Jija please.. this is wrong.

But where was I going to stop? I was sucking one of her boobs in my mouth and massaging the other boob with one hand. (XXX Sali Sex Story)

I was also rubbing her pussy with the other hand. She was moaning with her eyes closed in pleasure, ‘Ahh. Seeee.. Aahh Ummmmm. Aahh Jiji. Something is happening below. Please remove your hands..’

Now she was completely aroused and was holding my head and pressing it on her boobs, her moans of ‘aaahhh sss…’ were making me excited.

Then I laid her down on the bed and started kissing her entire body and slowly came down and kissed her stomach, put my tongue in her navel and started sucking it.

She was so intoxicated that I completely removed her salwar and panty from her legs and made her completely naked.

Aha.. what a doom it seemed.

Then I opened her legs and moved my tongue on her pink pussy and she jumped.
She said – Ah.. Jiju, no, not this, please. (XXX Sali Sex Story)

but I continued my work. She didn’t say anything.. just ‘Seeeeeh.. aahhh oohh do more.. aaahh..’

Now I also got excited and started licking her pussy while pulling her clitoris. A strange juice was coming out from her Tight Pussy. She started ejaculating. I drank all her juice.

She screamed loudly – ​​Aaahh oui… umm… ahh… hay… yaah… I went… ahh…
saying this she became loose and exhausted. After some time I asked her to suck my penis, but at first, she refused.

She said- I don’t like it.
So I said- try it once.. if you don’t enjoy it then throw it out.

She agreed.. but after seeing my long penis, she got scared at first and said – Brother, it is very thick.. it will not fit in my mouth. I said- Take as much as you can.

As soon as she opened her mouth, I put the head of my penis in her mouth. She started moving her tongue on the penis and I started fucking her mouth by moving my penis back and forth. Slowly she took my penis up to her throat.

Now she wanted to take out the penis from her mouth but I did not take it out and started thrusting deep inside.

Strange sounds started coming out of her mouth – Ugmmmm Ugummm.

Tears started coming from her eyes. Then I took out my penis. Her face had become completely red due to breathlessness.

Then I made her lie down and climbed up and started kissing her. Also with one hand, I started setting my penis on her pussy. After that, I held both her hands and gave a strong push, but due to lubrication, my penis slipped.

I again placed my penis on her pussy and gave a strong push. This time Supara got stuck inside and she jumped loudly and started shouting – Oh Jija, I am dead.. take me out.. I will die.. it is hurting a lot.. please.

I ignored her screams and in the second push, I inserted my entire penis deep inside.

Tears came out of her eyes and my penis hit her uterus. Now I stopped and started kissing and caressing her. She gradually became normal and her pain reduced.

When she started raising her Big Ass, I understood and I also started jerking. The sound of ‘Aaah Aahhh Seeee..Ummmm..’ was coming from her mouth in the whole room. (XXX Sali Sex Story)

After about ten minutes she ejaculated, but my work was still pending. She had become loose, I started fucking her vigorously and after a few minutes, I was about to ejaculate in her pussy.

Then we both ejaculated together and her pussy was filled with my semen. When she saw it, there was blood on the bedsheet and juice was also falling along with it.

She got nervous and said- Jija, what if something happens?
I said- Don’t take tension… nothing will happen.

Then we both went to the bathroom and took a bath together and kissed my Sali and asked – how did you like it?

She said shyly – You are crazy.. does anyone do good like this?
I kissed her and said – I love you.
She said- I love you too Jija.

She hugged me and said – It was a lot of fun, husband.
I said- Do you want to do it a second time?
So she said- Not now. I will come later, someone will come now.

Then I came to my home.
Friends, how did you like my XXX Sali Sex Story?

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