Sex With Newly Married Bhabhi | Sexy Bhabhi Sex Story Part-2

Sex With Newly Married Bhabhi | Sexy Bhabhi Sex Story Part-2

Hello Guys I am Sofia Khan, I am back again here to tell you a sex story that’s named “Sex With Newly Married Bhabhi | Sexy Bhabhi Sex Story Part-2“. I am sure you all will love it. If you want to read more stories like that so you can visit “

Read Bengali Bhabhi Sex Story that my new tenant couple invited me for dinner. When my sister-in-law’s friend also came, I took advantage of the opportunity to show her a glimpse of my manhood. Friends, I Jatin was telling you my story. The first part of my Bengali Bhabhi Sex Story.

I liked Sana and I did not want to let her go under any circumstances. Those people also liked the flat and both of them left by giving advance. After her departure, I kept thinking about Sana, touching every part of her sexy anal body in my imagination. It was also known from Sana’s gestures that she is also not happy with her husband and she is also taking interest in me.

Now next Sexy Bhabhi Sex Story:

Throughout the night, I kept thinking about Sana and her wonderful beauty and weaved the fabric of achieving her. I could hardly sleep that night. In the end, while thinking, my dick got stifled and I had to pacify him by fisting.

The next morning at 8.30, my phone rang. When I said hello, a very juicy sweet voice came from there – Jatin Ji, Namaskar, I am speaking Sana. Me- Hello sister-in-law, tell me how are you? Sana- Jatin Ji, I had to ask you something, will that can you find Kamwali Bai? I said- Sir, I will speak to the lady who works for me.

She asked – how much money will she take. Here we give 5000 rupees a month. I said – I will get it done in less than that. Sana started saying – You are getting everything done very cheaply. She then said- Jatin Ji, it would be good if I get the house cleaned by speaking to Kamwali Bai because I want to shift till tomorrow evening.

I said – cleanliness will be done by noon, you come. Sana started saying – had to ask one more thing. I- yes ask. Sana– Why were you so angry that day? I said- Sana Ji, I respect ladies and your husband was treating you in a rude manner which I could not bear. Sana- Jatinji, you are a very good person, you make everyone your own.

Me – who have I made mine? Sana remained silent on this matter for some time. I said again – you didn’t tell Sana Ji? Sana said softly – I do not know, now how can I tell on the phone? Me- come on, come and tell me. By the way, where is your husband Ankit babu? Sana- He reaches the office at 8.00. Jatin Ji, are you not in a hurry?

I was just getting ready for the office. Sana- When do you come back? Me- till 6.00 pm. Sana- Okay, see you in the evening. Me- ok, byy. I jumped with joy after hearing about Sana shifting on the same day and I kept on remembering the things that happened between me and Sana.

When I reached the society in the evening, their luggage had gotten off the truck. I said – you set some sleeping items properly at night, you will see the rest in the morning. At the same time, I asked the supervisor of the society to bring three to four laborers type boys. And told him to do as much stuff as can be set in today and tomorrow and keep in mind that madam does not have to work much.

He set up the whole house in two-three hours. Meanwhile, I also kept helping Sana. While helping, our hands and bodies collided many times and we were thrilled to have each other’s support. Sana was wearing a loose pajama and t-shirt, from which her trembling butts and moving big tits were enough to provoke my cock.

We ordered food from the hotel that evening and ate it sitting in my room. The next day I had to go on a two-day tour in the morning. When I told Sana about going on tour, she said – because of you, two days’ work was done yesterday in two hours, now he is going to the office and you are on tour?

I said – whatever problem you have, keep telling me on the phone, and I will do everything. Sana got sad. I said- what’s the matter Sana Ji, don’t believe me, do you? Sana said – that’s not the point, let’s go. It is also necessary to go on your tour. I went on tour.

Every hour after two hours, Sana kept telling me the problems of her plumber, electrician, etc. and I kept on resolving her problems. In two days the whole house was set. On the third day at 7 pm, I reached my room from the tour and after getting food from the hotel and eating it, I slept.

The next afternoon, Sana got a call – Jatin Ji, you come early from the office today, I will send Ankit Babu to call you for dinner in the evening, don’t refuse. I said – okay, I will come. I came only at 4 o’clock. At 4.30 Ankit Babu came to my room and said – Dada, you have to dinner with us tonight, we have also called my friend from Gurgaon, Sahil, and his wife Fatima, will you come?

I asked – is there anything special? Ankit- No, just sit together, you will have to eat and drink, do you take drinks or not? I said- Dada, I take it occasionally, but what will I do sitting in the midst of you guys, you enjoy it, thanks.

He said – it means that you do not consider us as your own and are still angry with me. Okay, never mind, I’ll tell Sana. We had arranged this dinner only to thank you if you do not come, I refuse Sahil and Fatima also.

I said – okay, tell me what time to come?
Ankit- You just come by 6.00 o’clock, those people are about to reach.
I said – okay, I will come.

Ankit left.

I was feeling happy that let’s meet Fatima today. I drank tea and entered the bathroom to take a bath. After showering, I applied a nice scented body lotion, put on jeans, and a very sexy, deep-cut t-shirt from the front that showed off my chest hair. I deliberately did not wear underwear and a vest underneath.

By wearing underwear, my penis gets twisted and is not visible much, but due to not wearing, the penis keeps its size right by straightening towards the septum. I applied an imported Musk deo in which the smell of a man’s body becomes very sexy. At 6.30, Ankit babu came again and said – come on Dada, we are all waiting for you. I got along with Ankit Babu.

When I reached his drawing room, everyone stood up and welcomed me. Ankit introduced me to both of them and said – this is my friend Sahil and this is his wife Fatima. When I saw Fatima, my heartbeat accelerated. She was a wonderful sexy lady. The size of 36-34-38, fair color like milk, very beautiful face cut.

Fatima was wearing a very short sleeveless blouse and her half-beautiful, soft, anal belly and beautifully rounded navel sunk inside was visible below. Fatima was wearing a very beautiful and very tight sari below. Within no time I saw Sana.

Sana wore a very beautiful sleeveless top with half her curvy bangs sticking out and her teats lifted the top like an umbrella. Underneath she wore very tight capri pants. Inside Capri, between her curvy thighs, both the outer thick labia of her pussy were visible separately. The stitching in the middle of the pants was inserted between the two slits of his pussy.

Her bare, fat, fair, and shapely calves were visible under the Capri. Seeing Sana’s nipples, the design of the pussy, and her beauty, my lad started to tighten, which Sana started seeing. we sat down. Had some formal talks with Sahil.

Sahil seemed to be a sanyasi type of person who had no special knowledge of the humble world. Sana was sitting on the sofa opposite me and her eyes were fixed on me. There was only one center table between him and me. After a while, beer glasses were placed and beer was poured into the glasses of all three of us and cold drinks were poured into two glasses.

Sana got up and brought snacks. We started drinking drinks and started talking lightly. Both the ladies took soft drinks. Sana’s gaze was not going away from me. Actually, I had helped Sana a lot for the last week. He got him home, got the house set up, and also took care of his comfort. That’s why Sana was completely obsessed with me.

On the other hand, I wanted to fuck him but didn’t want to get lightheaded in a hurry. My eyes were on the pussy visible from his pants, which was looking like a dumpling from between his thick curvy thighs. Due to this, the tension in my dick was increasing.

Shaking myself a little, I took out my penis from the bottom and put it with my septum, due to which the penis came out in its full size towards my knee. Sometimes Sana would look at me and sometimes look at my protruding penis. Sana suddenly placed one of her feet on the other and clenched her thighs.

I and Fatima had clearly noticed his twitching of the thighs. His breath was starting to outgrow. Actually, she was squeezing her pussy by clenching her thighs. I put my hanky on my penis which was seen by Sana and Fatima. Seeing Sana’s condition, Fatima said – Hey Jatin Ji, don’t take anything, are you not eating anything? Then looking at Sana, she said- Sana, don’t serve!

Sana got up and leaned towards me from the top of the table and started giving me food, it seemed as if her mum would fall on me. I looked into his eyes and picked up the snacks. While taking snacks, I gently touched his finger and started looking at his pussy. My attention went to the place under his pussy and saw that a wet mark had formed there.

Fatima had also seen that mark. Fatima said- Well, Sana, you sit, I give it. Fatima made Sana sit back. Then Ankit Babu started saying – Jatin Ji, Sahil, and Fatima are our special friends. You also get them a flat in the same society, can’t you try this one in front?

I said – its owner lives abroad. Then Fatima said – Jatin Ji, if you want, everything can happen. Now we are sure that you can do everything. Please do something, Sana and I are very good friends. While assuring them, I said – okay, I will do something. Sana said with a very sexy style – nothing, everything has to be done, Jatin Ji. I said – okay, it will happen.

Sahil and Ankit immediately said – should there be a jam on this matter? We started drinking and had dinner after some time. Meanwhile, Sana was in bad shape. Sitting in the middle of everyone, she kept twitching her thighs and her pussy kept releasing water.

Seeing him, I was also in bad condition. Fatima had seen a lot and understood. Actually, Sana’s look in pants and top looked different. Sana was looking amazingly hot and was absolutely Horny. After having dinner, Sahil and Fatima left and I came to my room.

Sana and I were not able to meet even while living in the same flat because when I came from the office, Ankit Babu would have also come. After three days when I came from the office at 8.00, I opened the room and drank tea. After that take bath. Then I put on clothes and put on Jagjit Singh’s ghazals and sat down to have a drink on the balcony.

I had planted only half a peg that the wooden door of Sana’s bedroom opened. (They used to keep the door closed from the side of the balcony) When Sana knocked on the lattice door, I looked back. Sana’s voice came from inside – can I disturb you? I said- yes sister-in-law, tell me?

Sana- Sir, I am asking permission to enter the balcony. I stood up and hid my glass and said – Come on. Sana came outside on the balcony. Let me tell you here that I did not keep the balcony light on and I used to sit in the room with the slightest light coming from the windows and doors.

Sana came and said – can I sit? I said- yes, sister-in-law, sit down. Two armless easy chairs and a small center table were always outside on the balcony. She sat down on a chair kept next to her and said – you continue your drink, I do not mind. I asked him – Ankit babu has not come yet?

Sana said – have just gone, and from today she has a night shift. They have duty for 15 days from 8 am to 8 pm and 15 days from 8 pm to 8 am, so the night shift started today and they left at 7.30 pm.

She said – I had understood that you have not come yet, but then heard the sound of these ghazals, then removed the curtain of the window and saw that you have come. Then I thought that I have not talked to you for a long time and I have not met, then I should meet you.

Then, expressing the right, she said – Jatin Ji, just tell me that you have come. We were waiting for you here and you are the one who sneaked into your own house. One more thing to say, Jatin Ji, you alone can call me Sana.

At that time, Sana was wearing a knee-length skirt and a sleeveless top without a bra. The top was hung over Sana’s big nipples. Sana’s wide and sexy knees were visible from the skirt. From sitting, the skirt slid slightly from the knees and came to Sana’s belly.

I was surprised and thrilled to hear so many things about him and could not say anything, it just started heating up inside. Sana again said – should I bring something to eat? I said – no, these are salad kachumbari and chips, there is some cheese. I didn’t even ask you. Wait, I’ll bring you a cold drink. Saying this I brought a cold drink for Sana from inside my small fridge and poured it into the glass and gave it to her.

Then I asked – Sister-in-law, if Ankit Bhaiya comes to know, then he will not be angry. Sana smiled and said to smile – who will tell her? will you tell, I smiled and said – no, I will tell you why. Sana- Well tell me, do you drink every day? Me- no, sometimes. Two to three times a month. Just two small pegs.
Sana- What happens after drinking this?

Having fun, I said – it changes the atmosphere and mood a little. The man gets tired and becomes a little romantic. For some time a man forgets the useless things and comes to Suroor. Sana started thinking something.

I asked – are you in the mood to take it? Sana- If something will happen, will it not? I have never tasted it till today, but today I also want to forget something. I took a glass of cold drink from Sana and half a peg of 30 ml in it. Put the whiskey and told her – to sit with her head back on the chair and close his eyes and sip it very slowly.

Sana took a slight sip and rested her head on the chair. After some time took a second and then a third sip. I said – keep eating something together. As soon as Sana straightened up to take something, she felt a little embarrassed and said as soon as she sat down – Oh, I am feeling something.

I said – what are you feeling? Sana- Looks good. Saying this, Sana quickly finished the drink and said – Oh my God, Wonderful … Nice. Seeing Sana’s thighs and her breasts raised at the top, my arms protruded in my lower. Even in low light, I could clearly see Sana’s huge 36-size boobs and sharp nipples on those boobs.

My lord had started revolting to come out of my lower. Soon you will see how Sana and I both got hot after that. Must be enjoying Sexy Bhabhi Sex Story. Don’t forget to give your love to the story. Give your feedback in the comments.

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