My outdoor sex story with my friend in Jungle!

My outdoor sex story with my friend in Jungle!

Friends, you guys told the story of the first time sex  I got a lot of emails related to that story. I am so glad that you guys liked my story. Now I am going to tell you my next story. Like the previous story, give equal love to this story as well.

As I told you in the previous sex story I kissed my college friend Punit’s cock for the first time. This is my outdoor sex story with my friend in jungle. I had never taken a cock in my hand nor had I taken it in the pussy before. Punit gave me the first pleasure of fucking with his young cock.

After that, whenever we got a chance, we used to fuck. I had also got my pussy licked by going to his friend’s flat. Now my pussy was thirsty for cock. I could not feel without sex. I used to focus on boys all the time now. He used to see what his cock would be like. Whose cock can give me more fun?

Now my mind was also starting to make a boyfriend. Punit was my friend. That’s why I will not call him boyfriend. With him, I learned the first sex lesson. Now like the rest of the girls, I too wanted to have a boyfriend of my own.

There was a boy senior to me in my college. His name was Rahul. He was also very handsome to look at and his body was also very well made. He used to do the gym. That’s why my attention kept going on him again and again.
He was a good friend of my friend Punit. Were you two years senior to me? Punit’s friendship with him was very deep.

It was the day when I went to see a movie with Punit. The movie was nothing special. Well, we did not go to see the movie. We just went there to have fun. Punit pressed my boobs in the cinema hall itself. I sucked his cock and that’s how we had a little fun. Punit had made me drink his goods that day.

Then when the movie was over, we were coming out. Someone from behind gave a voice to Punit. When we saw it was Rahul. He had also come there to watch a movie. Seeing Rahul, Punit greeted him and after coming near, they both started talking.

Rahul- Hello, where are you roaming man?
Punit- Nowhere brother, just came to watch the movie.
Rahul- Well how was the movie?
Punit – it’s boring brother!
Rahul- Yes, boyfriends and girlfriends come to watch boring movies.
Saying this, Rahul looked at me and started laughing.

Punit- Oh no brother, this is my friend.
Rahul said hello to me and I said hi to him. He spoke to me for the first time that day.
Rahul- Hey Rahul, you never talk to me. I’m not that bad, man.

I said – no, there is no such thing. I just keep busy like this in my studies.
Rahul- Well then how is your studies going?
In this, Punit said – you guys talk, I come with a bike.
And he went to get the bike.

Rahul told me- I used to think that you are Punit’s girlfriend!
Me- No, we are friends. I am single now.
Rahul- Oh wow… really? I don’t feel like looking at you.
I said – why what has happened to me that you do not feel like seeing me.

He said – nothing, leave it.
Soon, Punit came with the bike and we came back home. After a few days, a message came on my phone. Hello was written in it from some unknown number.
I asked – who are you?

The reply came from there – I am talking to Rahul, Punit’s friend. Forgot or remember?
I said – yes, I remember.
In this way, both of us started talking. While talking, Rahul also started liking me. I too was attracted to him.

One day when Rahul asked me to go out to watch a movie, I immediately said yes because I expected that my pussy’s thirst for a new cock would probably be quenched.
He said – OK, then let’s plan Sunday.
I said – okay. I will be ready Please call before you come.

Then that day on Sunday, Rahul got a call that he was ready.
I too got ready and left the house. That day I was wearing a shirt and shorts.

I had walked some distance when Rahul came in a car. I got in the car and off we went. We went to see the movie. The movie started and here Rahul’s hands stopped on my thighs.

I looked once and then started looking in front. I didn’t say anything to him. Then he slowly started caressing my thighs. I felt good too. His hands were feeling very tight. I could feel the touch of his hands on my tender soft thighs and started enjoying it.

After a while, he put his hand on my shoulder. I understood what he was going to do now. He slowly put his hand on my boobs. But I immediately removed his hand and said that someone will see him here.
He said – no one is watching. Nobody can see anything in the dark. Don’t let me know… you can’t do this much for me, can you?

At his request, I agreed and he put his hands on my boobs and started pressing them. I also started enjoying the pleasure of pressing the nipples with his hands. My pussy started getting wet. Then there was the interval.

After the interval, both of us got up and came out. When I started going to the bathroom, he came after me and started saying in my ear take off your bra and go inside.
I said – are you crazy?
He said – Oh nothing will happen. You do as I am told.

I went inside and took off my bra and put it in the bag. Now I was wearing only a T-shirt. There was no bra from below.
When I came out, he was standing there.
Seeing me secretly said – I love you, my dear.

He probably knew that I had taken off my bra.

After that, we went inside and the movie started again. Now without any delay, he put his hand inside my T-shirt. He started pressing my open boobs and I started enjoying it too. My pussy was already wet. I had urinated too. So now it was more fun.

He was pressing my boobs and sex was filling inside me. My mouth was just about to come out of my mouth, but I had stopped myself. Then he grabbed my hand and put it on his jeans. His cock was raised in his jeans. On holding my hand, I felt that his cock is getting up and giving jerks.

Then Rahul untied the chain of his jeans and put my hand inside. When I touched his cock, there was a tingling in my body like a current. Inside his underwear, his cock had become very hard. He was jumping up and down again and again. I started getting drunk.

Rahul’s cock was much bigger than Punit’s cock and was also more fat. I realized this as soon as I took his cock in my hand. I caught his cock from the top of his underwear like this. He was still playing with my boobs but now his grip had become more intense. I too started feeling more excited now.

After some time he started saying – this movie is very boring Ayushi. Let’s go for a long drive somewhere. Nothing fun is happening here.
He took his hand off my T-shirt. He also took off the chain of his jeans. I was also thirsty for cock, so both of us got up and came out.

By now I too was completely hot. Then we came out and sat in the car and left.

We had gone some distance when Punit’s phone rang.
When did I say hello, she said – what are you doing? What happened to Rahul?
I said – no, there is some time in that now. But soon that too is going to happen.
He said – okay. When your thirst for cock is gone, then call me.
Then he hung up the phone.

In the middle of the way, Rahul stopped the car at one place.
I said – where have you brought this?
He said – this is my house.
I said- ok.
I knew that I was going to be fucked after going home.

When we went inside his house, no one was there.
When I asked, he told that everyone has gone to the wedding. Will return late at night.
I said- ok.
Then for some time both of us kept talking here and there and then when I was standing with the bed he grabbed me in his arms immediately.

He immediately took off my T-shirt and bare my tits. Then he immediately took them in his hand and started pressing. I started kissing I also started supporting him while sucking his lips. His hands were pressing hard on my nipples. Then he took my nipples in his mouth and started sucking.

I said- Ahh… Rahul, do it comfortably. Somebody will come!
He said – come to hell. Now I can’t stop at any point. I just want to get lost in the fragrance of your body.
He started biting my nipples while drinking my nipples fast. I too started stroking his head. I was starting to enjoy it.

After that he put me on the bed and started playing with my body. He was kissing my body in every corner. Sometimes on the neck and sometimes on the lips. Sometimes on the shoulders and sometimes on the nipples. Sometimes on the forehead and sometimes on the navel. As her lips were getting closer to my pussy, the fire of sex inside me was getting stronger.

For some time he kissed and sucked my body. Then he took off my shorts. Now a small tights was left on my pussy. After that he also started taking off his clothes. He took off all his clothes and seeing his cock taut in his underwear, my eyes remained wide open.

After that he also took off his tights and then his cock became completely free in front of me. His cock was jumping.
He said- Look sweetheart, how is he yearning for your ‘his’. Let this be your ‘his’ darshan.
I said – I am not educated enough to understand the meaning of all these things of yours. Say clearly what you are saying.

He said – your phuddi, your pussy… Whatever you say, show it to him now.
At his behest, I took off my tights again. My pussy was bare in front of him. He immediately broke on my pussy and started sucking it hard.

As soon as he put his tongue on my pussy and inside, my pussy jumped. It was already wet. He started pressing my pussy with his fingers.
Umm… ahh… hay… yah… I was like going to heaven while doing it. Ahhhhh Yesssss… Aahhhhhhhhh……

His cock was full of fun and was going out of control. He put his cock on the mouth of my pussy by putting me in the talk and by the time I could understand something, he gave a push. The result of which was that the betel nut of cock entered my pussy.

Right now I was trying to tell him something about what he did, then he hit another hard blow and three-quarters of his cock had entered my pussy. Now there was no use to say anything because my pussy was also yearning for his cock.

In this, he hit another strong blow and the whole cock was inserted till the root of my pussy. I was starting to feel pain, but I felt that now my thirst for cocks will be completely satisfied. Till now I had taken Punit’s cock in my pussy and Rahul’s cock was much bigger and thicker than Punit’s cock. I was in agony. But after a few moments of pain, my pain was over.

Now my pussy was trying to jump, but she was keeping all her weight on me. Due to which I could not move. He started fucking. Today, for the first time, my pussy was destined for someone other than my friend Punit’s cock. She became a cuppa with joy and started responding to Rahul’s every push by jumping from below.

He was hitting very hard. I was having a lot of fun.
After kissing for about 15 minutes, he fell. But my water had not come out yet, my thirst for cock remained unfulfilled.

Rahul gasped and fell on me. When he got down from the top of the pussy after giving full fuck, he said – Tell the truth, how did you feel?

I hugged him and said – you tell yourself, did you enjoy it or not?
He said- I have got a lottery today, which is not only the sight of your pussy today, but my cock has also come after taking a walk in it.

My mind was to do one more round but he told me – it’s time to come, my family members will come. Let me drop you at your house.
Hearing this broke my mind. I was trying to suck my water out of Rahul’s cock but he turned away all the desires.
Getting up in anger, I started wearing my clothes.

After getting dressed, I started going out on my own, then he started saying – I leave you.
I said – no, I will call Punit. If I go with you, I will know at home.
He said – well, as you wish.

After that I came out and after coming out I called Punit. I told him to pick me up from here. I stood there waiting for him. After waiting for some time, Punit came and we left from there.

On the way, Punit asked- How was your sex?
I said – don’t even talk about him. I couldn’t even get my water out. My mind is going haywire.
Hearing this, Punit started laughing.

I said – now don’t spoil your mind. Drive quietly.
He said- If you ask, I will come to your house at night. Anyway, it’s been a long time since both of us were kissed.
I said – no, today it will not happen. Making a plan is difficult.

After that he diverted the car on the highway.
I said – where are you going?
He said – stop. I’ll tell
A rough road was going through the highway which looked like a forest. He stopped the car after going some further on that path.

He asked to come out of the car. We both got down.
I said – what are we doing here?
He said – If you cannot have sex at home, then do it here.
I said – have you gone mad? Here in the open? Will someone come?
He said – no one will come. I bring my girlfriend here. I have fucked him by bringing him here many times. Absolutely safe.

I did not like his idea and I refused to go back but then he grabbed me and started kissing me while pressing my boobs. Within two minutes, Punit set my mood. We both started in the open there.

Kissing happened for some time and then he took out his cock. Then he asked me to take off the shorts. I took it out and said now lean on the car. At his behest, I bowed down and he inserted his cock in my thirsty, chubby, and wet pussy from behind.

After inserting the cock, he lay on top of me and started licking my pussy. Since I had kissed Rahul’s cock a while back, Punit’s cock went into my pussy comfortably. Then he started pushing and I also started enjoying the fuck.

Within no time I started having a lot of fun and I started making loud noises. Ahhh… Punit… fuck… and fuck faster… ahh… having fun. He started pelting my pussy fast. Then in five minutes, I fell while taking similar hissings.

Now Punit’s water was also about to come out and he immediately took out the cock from my pussy and started dropping his goods on my ass. He held my ass and stood like this for some time. After that, he took out the cloth from the car and cleaned the goods that fell on my ass.

After a round of chatting there in the open, we went home. I went home and slept after having dinner.

The next day he started talking to Rahul again. Now he started kissing me every day. After a few days, he also started coming to my house.

Now I got an excuse to break up with him and I broke up with Rahul because my brother saw me having sex with Rahul. After that, we both separated. But again thirst started in my pussy and now I started looking for a new cock.

So, friends, this was the story of my sex with my boyfriend, in which I got a big cock but my thirst for cock did not disappear.
Do you like my story? tell me.

In the next sex stories, I will tell how I made another new boyfriend due to my thirst for cock and he beat my ass as well as fuck my pussy.

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